i had a URI. or, have. i'm still coughing my lungs up, and they prescribed me an INHALER. it does nothing. but i am healing, on my own. i am alive and well, working and breathing and living. sort of. updates coming soon, digital zine in production. it will be published in the lounge! go take a peek at the cover! i love you! i miss you!
i am deathly ill, writhing and groaning in bed. i took some dxm, (cough suppressant), some ritalin, some more ritalin. and now mucinex. i think my strep has turnefd to pneumonia, or something.
earlier i was genuinly suffocating. gasping for air in bed rolling around because i could not sit still, so fucking groggy. the groggy is coming back. i called out of work today. probably not many updates tonight, friends. although the site is the tiniest bit more mobile friendly now. i can't smoke like this.
smoke a cig for meat work again. 3, more, agonizing hours. it wouldn't be so bad if i had something to do. but alas, i have completed everything for the hour. 12:56, 1:30 i have a task. does anyone else absolutely hate sitting around at work? it's awful to me. the time passes like microwave time. when i am home, i think i will work on making everything more mobile friendly once again. wish me luck friends!!
i am at work currently, seeking refuge in the bathroom because i am deathly ill (strep throat). i have nothing to do at work at the moment anyways, maybe in 30 minutes i take my 15 minute break, and then sit again.
i have no idea if this is going to format correctly as i am on mobile so apologies if not. we're almost at 10k!! starting this website this month and already being here, it's so motivating and i'm still having so much fun. although i am running out of ideas. i may recolor things again! or try to make the site mobile friendly again! i was contacted by an html prophet in a dream showing me ideas for how to do it.
i love you!hello little people in my computer. new pages underway, thinking about a reformat of everything too. maybe change the background, new colors. hrmmmm...
i was wondering what u guys thought. send me a dm? add my discord? @nickisucks.. lmk.
work has been good, the days are going by faster. i got tickets to see microwave !!! ,,, i got the new clothes. i was thinking about putting a photo. i might, still. hrmmmm we will see we will see. i love you!! i miss you!!! where have you gone!!!!