

tear you apart disorder

surgically attached wings & fangs

insomniatic freak

acid burned neck

these are my bones

this is my blood

speak to me..?

discord : nickisucks

instagram : nickisuckz

what remains?
born in 2003 april 03
i have been online since i was very young, about 6. playing free online games obsessively, scouring chat rooms, discovering tor & deep web chatrooms at age 12. i used a red dell laptop on my dining room table and would spend hours and hours into the night online until i got caught. but even then i would sneak out to get back on.
despite this, i did not have my first phone until i was thirteen, unlike everyone else i knew. because of my love for the internet and anything virtual, i did not fit in well with anyone who wasn't atleast a little bit like me.

where did you come from?

almost my entire life was spent moving. moving from house to house, state to state. friend's house to friend's house. age 12 i moved to phoenix, arizona. age 15 i became homeless for the first time, & spent my nights at a dumpster by a donut shop across the street from my highschool. eventually, i move to bend, oregon with my aunt and cousin.

at age 18 i had moved 4 more times and been homeless once again, this time in a car. once again i return to oregon.
throughout all of this, i somehow maintain an online presence. so much so, that i cannot use the username i once had ever again. i am no longer in the same place (surprise) but i am still clearly spending a lot of time online. whether it is creating, talking to people, or observing. i am here. i am still here