rise and shine, its 1:58 pm on the SEVENTH OF JANUARY , TWENTY TWENTY FIVE. there is snow outside, i am hungover. what a life
tomorrow, my lucky number eight, i go to get evaluated & remedicated. it's only been two years but i am nervous. i know what to tell them, i know all of the right things to say but what if my trusty lamotrigine and aripiprazole don't work anymore? what if im condemned to take lithium again and return to Battery Girl status. that wasn't so bad, i suppose. i may return tomorrow with a new diagnosis as well, as i lied to my last psychiatrist extensively out of embarrassment. you will be updated! as per usual,
keep smoking, i love you! keep smoking, i love you!
sometimes i feel like i'm pretending to be alive. i spent months actually alone and i was going fucking crazy. like, i don't think i spent more than an hour sober in those months. i was locked in this tiny room in the middle of nowhere, because there was nowhere to go, and i could not stand to be with my thoughts. i would genuinely wake up and call the first person i saw in my contacts and just fucking scream. not even words, just like AHHHHHH!
i think i frightened a lot of people close to me by doing that. and right after the call, if not during, i would just drink myself into some incoherent state where i had no idea what was going on. because being alone in that fucking room with myself was that bad. i'd like to tell myself i've improved since then or that i'm different- i was going through something, yaknow? but in reality i have no fucking clue. i have no idea if i'm still like that or not. i spent an even longer time alone a little over a year ago but it wasn't really alone, i was always waiting on someone or just around people. i don't know who i am without that and i am way too fucking terrified to find out